Welcome to the CIP IND Directory - a centralized resource to facilitate the sharing of IND information.
To contribute your IND information to the directory, please contact us via email with the
following information.

Instructions for entering a new agent onto the above list:
If you have an IND for an imaging agent, you are welcome to send an email with some or all of the following information to NCICIPINDDirectory@mail.nih.gov for inclusion in the directory:
- Agent Name (required)
- IND# (posting the IND# is optional, but you must confirm that an approved IND is in place)
- Contact Institution (required)
- Contact (email to be posted on the website or have queries directed to CIP)
- Source DOC Issue Date (year of publication, or investigator communication with CIP)
- Source Documentation (PubMed ID (if published), or other investigator communications)
- Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT numbers for clinical trials associated with your IND agent)
- Synonyms (optional)